In the wink of an eye, two wks of the holidays has already passed by unknowingly.
That means I only haf abt two weeks to study for my summer test.
Oh gosh! Worst still, I still have ongoing CCA from wed to fri at 6 to 8pm, which often drags till abt 9 and by the time I reach home, it would be abt 10.
For the past two wks, I don't recall any significant event taking place in my life other than having to go to school almost daily, either for the morning run or make up lessons by the teachers.
Whereas for the nxt wk, I will be volunteering for the swimming championship which will take up the whole of nxt wk, which leaves me with no time to study.
Thereby, by hook or by crook, I will have to finish reading up by tis week and prepared for the summer test readily by next wk.
But not to forget, there will always be events disrupting our "ideal" plans and this includes the dreadful PROJECT WORK!!
Not only do we have to rush with our studies, we also have to cope with the project work. It is really giving us headaches, don't you guys think so??
Okay, I shall stop grumbling now and get down to work. Hope that you will manage your time well during this holiday and don't be like me. Take care always!
-I miss the past/}
6/14/2005 04:33:00 PM